Canterbury Staunton in Bone
Canterbury Staunton in Bone
  • Craftsmanship has been the paramount issue in creating these sets, a very good selection of bone has been utilized, very few anomalies and tool marks in these beautiful sets.
  • A presentation box is included.  The box features a  red velvet exterior, red or white silk, and velvet interior.
  • Each set is individually assembled, quality controled and packaged at Legend Products prior to shipment.
  • This set is without question collector quality.

Additional Images
Style: Pre-Staunton
Materials: Bone
King Height: 3¾ inches
Weight: No additional weight
Price: $395.00
U.S. Shipping: $25.00

King 3¾" 0.07 lbs 1¼"
Queen 3¼" 0.07 lbs 1¼"
Bishop 2½" 0.04 lbs 1 1/16"
Knight 2 3/8" 0.05 lbs 1"
Rook 2" 0.04 lbs 1"
Pawn 1 5/8" 0.03 lbs 7/8"
Recommended Boards
(No boards recommended)

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