Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great
Sets of this high caliber do not appear very often.  In eight years I have had the pleasure to be able to sell only two other Alexander the Great sets of this size.  The two that I currently have are both unique when compared to one another.  One can only imagine the time and effort that one has to put into such a set.  Past renditions had come on bases that were a bit unstable.  It was my request that initiated the beautiful full bases which now accompany the set.

This set does come with a presentation chest which is functional but not the work of art that the set is.

Alexander the Great or Alexander III, was born 356 and died 323 B.C.  He was the King of  Macedon.  Alexander in his conquest of the world led his troops through eastern Persia between the years of 330, and 327 BC he then invaded northern India in 326 B.C..  There he came upon his only opposition the Poras Indian King and his army.  Alexander of course defeated him.  Alexander's conquest of the World pretty much ended in India his forces went back to the Persian gulf, and Alexander himself died of a fever a year later, at age 33.  He was considered one of the greatest generals of all time.

(Item requires special ordering)
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Style: Non-Staunton
Materials: Ebony and Boxwood
King Height: 8 inches
Weight: No additional weight
Price: $1,495.00
U.S. Shipping: $45.00

King 8" 0.28 lbs 1 16/16"
Queen 7 1/8" 0.27 lbs 1 16/16"
Bishop 6¼" 0.19 lbs 1¾"
Knight 5 13/16" 0.19 lbs 1¾"
Rook 5½" 0.21 lbs 1¾"
Pawn 4¾" 0.09 lbs 1½"
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