Pro Line Ebony Pioneer Elite
Pro Line Ebony Pioneer Elite
Designed by Dennis Petersen

Legend Products Pro Line Staunton Chess Sets are the finest in the World.  You will not find a better set at any price. These sets are produced in very small quantities.  Each production is unique and continues to find ways to refine and improve.  I have made only 50 of these sets, each set is numbered, and a signed laminated Certificate of Authenticity in a presentation jacket is included  (The set is pictured in color on the back of the Certificate).  Only the finest Ebony and Boxwood are utilized.

The Legend Pro Line Ebony Pioneer Elite Staunton Chess Set features a 4 1/16” King.  The set is designed for chessboards with 2¼” squares and the pieces are massively weighted.  The Pro Line Series Chess Sets represent the zenith of what a master craftsman can achieve.  The set is the result of many years’ design work, which started with the Original Rosewood Pioneer Staunton Chess Set.  After extensive refining and proto-typing of each piece Legend Products has produced a set unmatched in the world today.

The Pro Line Elite Knight is clearly a continuation of the Original Legend Ebony Pioneer Elite Knight, but never before have the features of the mouth, ears, mane, and body been so refined.   Every piece in the set has been carefully scrutinized, redesigned, and refined without loosing the essence of the Original Legend Ebony Pioneer Elite.

The set comes with the Ultimate Storage Box included. This box is handcrafted in Oregon from Mahogany.  You can clearly see from the picture that it is a superior storage and presentation box.  It will keep the set in pristine condition, free of dings, dents, and scratches.  The box is beautifully lined with a foam backed maroon material, with additional foam in the lid.  The box also features an array of brass hardware.  For the purpose of photographing the pieces in the box, I actually left the pawns resting nearly on top of the gray foam insert.  In reality the pawns slip down into the slotted foam and are nearly completely concealed.  This reduces the potential for the pawns coming in contact with the major pieces.

 In this decade Legend Products and chess set designer Dennis Petersen have become widely known and accepted for producing the finest Staunton, Collectable sets, and chess boards with storage bags (Legend Pro Line Heritage Chess Boards) the world has ever known.  Chess Magazines have adopted them as their favorite topic for product reviews, as the leading designer and manufacturer of Staunton Sets upon three different occasions, over a period of the last 20 months.  After reading these reviews you come away with the realization they have indeed produced the finest Staunton Sets ever made.  Legend chess sets and boards can also be seen in the extensive permanent collection of the Maryhill Museum.

I can give you my personal assurance that you will never hold a finer set in your hands than a Legend Pro Line Staunton Chess Set.  “He who hesitates is lost”

The Pro Line Ebony Pioneer Elite Staunton Chess Set will be the subject of review, as well as Dennis Petersen, and Legend Products in the June issue of Chess Horizons Magazine.

Legends Price for the Pro Line Ebony Pioneer Elite is $895.00. A chessboard is not included.  International shipping is done at actual shipping cost.  Those in the US need to include $30.00 S&H. Payment in US funds.   The set is guaranteed free from defect in material or workmanship for a period of 1 year.

A couple Testimonials

Here is what a recent customer wrote from Kent, England.  “Dear Mr. Petersen   At long last, after agonized waiting, my set arrived last week.  Customs clearance had held it up (while they were deliberating what to charge me in import duty and value-added tax), so be warned---next time you'll know to add on about 10 days to the UK delivery time to allow for customs.  Thank you for taking so much trouble to pack it well.  I think you erred on the side of caution but I'm not ungrateful, believe me.  I am stunned by the quality and beauty of the entire set.  I am constantly amazed by subtle details—the finely judged radius of curvature on the stems: the tiny perfect knob on the Kings crown: the precision of the Queen’s coronet: the tiny perfectly rounded bead at the base of the Rook: the symmetry of the knights etc. etc.   Its clear you take much trouble to select and match all the men.  You may be interested to know that I researched the purchase of an antique Victorian Jaques set (boxwood & ebony, turn of the century) and sets of comparable quality to yours (not quite as well proportioned) cost £850.00 upwards.  A 4½” King set typically costs double that figure.  The 4” set was not as heavily weighted as the Legend set.  The very best new Staunton set (see clipping) is near £1000.00 and is not a patch on yours.  By the time I had paid all costs, the Legend set came to £750.00.” ($1209.00 US) “  – a considerable saving.  I am passing the new catalogue on to the Hastings Chess Club, near where I live.  As you know, the Club is the oldest & most prestigious in the UK, and annually hosts the Hastings International Tournament.”  Signed David Howes.

Another person writes, “I received the set today.  It was in the same condition that you shipped it.  My initial impressions are: super packing job, excellent workmanship on the box, the Rooks are very substantial - best I've seen; and Rooks are taken for granted for their design, Knights are also in a class of their own. A very hefty set with choice ebony and exceptional detail - Knights and Queens.  Nothing like a 4” King.” “Again, thanks and you should be very pleased to have produced such an exquisite set that is quite playable.

Chess Horizons Magazine Review of the Pro Line Ebony Pioneer Elite Staunton Chess set by James DuBois

"Bruce Steffek has twice reviewed chess sets from Legend Products.  Both very favorable reviews were published in Empire Chess magazine.  I am fortunate to have the opportunity to review the new Pro Line Ebony Pioneer Elite set for Chess Horizons.  I 've not seen a Legend set at a New England tournament and was curious to find out what they had to offer.  I sent $8.00 for the catalog." "The cost is refundable with your order  The cataloge is spiral bound and is produced in a landscape formate.  The length is approximately 70 pages with some in color.  The production is not that of the USCF's glossy catalog, however it is very readable and unique.  A few color photos were inclosed to help convey the beauty of their flagship sets.  A very complete line of quality equipement is available.  For the tournament player this includes carrying bags and even their own take on a storage tube for roll-up boards.  This is the best apparatus I've seen for those of us that are particular about preserving the condition of our boards when traveling to tournaments."

"The company is owned and operated by Dennis and Jane Petersen.  Dennis is a tournament player."  "I was impressed by his eagerness to talk in length about chess and chess sets.  His passion is carried over to the production of his sets.  Each set has a limited run and then undergoes subtle design changes.  A certificate of authenticity is also sent.  One caveat is the wait for a set could be considerable.  Since the production is very limited and manufacturing of the sets is a painstaking task along with quality control procedures, it's best to plan on a few months delay if they are out of stock.  The up side to this is that you would then receive an even more advance edition.  regarding this particular set though, it will be over a year before another production is completed.  Dennis advertises, "He who hesitates is lost."

Features that immediately grabbed my attention were the bold 4 and 1/16" King, the solidness of the Rooks and the impeccable ebony.  I found many more nice touches upon closer examination of the set.  The pawns are quaint with the utmost consistency being maintained regarding the ball.  The Bishops are stout, classical in shape and have a ¾ mitre.  The Queen's coronet is nothing short of total precision.  It is razor sharp as Steffek noted.  The Knights are exquisite right down to the tonque.  The body is almost serpentine and pleasantly graduated.  Returning to the King, I also like the design of the cross.  It is not as muted as  found with the English style sets.  The set is nicely proportioned and substantially weighted.  I believe it is rugged enough to withstand tournament play.

The purchase of this set includes a mahogany presentation box handcrafted in Oregon.  It features brass hardware and a cleverly designed tension adjustable latch.  The set and box arrived in the same condition that it was sent.  Dennis does a complete inspection of each piece before shipping.  The packing job was superior to that of any set I've ever received with each piece individually wrapped in cotton and sealed in its own Ziplock bag.  Alas, it has been said that there are no perfect sets.  I discovered a slight discoloration of a white Knights ear and a flat spot on a Bishop.  Both imperfections are minute and ultimately do not take away from the beauty of the set.  It is very apparent that the creator has poured his heart and soul into the production of the Pro Line Ebony Pioneer Elite set.  A set any chess player would be proud to own.

Additional Images
Style: Legend Staunton
Materials: Ebony and Boxwood
King Height: 4 1/16 inches
Weight: Massively weighted
Price: $895.00
U.S. Shipping: $35.00

King 4 1/16" 0.27 lbs 1 7/8"
Queen 3 7/8" 0.2 lbs 1¾"
Bishop 3 1/8" 0.14 lbs 1½"
Knight 2 7/8" 0.15 lbs 1 7/16"
Rook 2 3/8" 0.16 lbs 1½"
Pawn 2" 0.09 lbs 1¼"
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